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Seen and Be Seen...

Writer's picture: DJ NicholsonDJ Nicholson

So many websites.

So many people in the photos.

But who decides who is seen in the photos? Who decides who is represented in these photos?

Because according to a recent article that was shared with me, we, as a society, are having an issue with representation and inclusion.

The article shared was , and it discusses how people with disabilities are almost non-existent on government and stock-photos websites, and when they are represented, they are not represented as whole individuals, but are only showed for their disability.

I decided to do some image research on the site that I use most often for stock photos, and here's what I found:

  • Each of these photos is "labeled" (contains alternative text) as something other than a person with a disability. This is a positive!

    • A team meeting

    • A girl who is a para-athelete

    • A man using a tablet

    • Reading an e-book

    • A young girl painting


  • All of these photos were found when I did a search for disability, or wheelchair, or amputee, or learning difference.

  • I could not find a photo of a person with a disability when I searched "picnic", "restaurant", or "happy couple.

While this sampling of photos does capture the people in them in a positive light, it further emphasizes that people are often seen for their disability rather than a whole individual.

As you go about your website visits, and even as you see ads on television, be mindful of who is being represented.

All people need representation. They need to see themselves.

To end on a positive, thank you to Target for consistent representation of children and adults with disabilities!

Target is not the only company.

Slow and steady... we are making progress.

For more information on how to create and nurture an inclusive school community, visit INCLUSIVEOLOGY

Inclusion works when you have all of the pieces!



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