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Get The Parent Playbook!

A free course on how to "get in the game" and discover what to confidently ask for in IEP meetings for your kid with autism, ADHD, and other neurodivergencies.

Strategies for Maximizing Inclusive Learning for Your Child with Autism, ADHD or other neurodivergencies

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Presented by DJ Nicholson,
Founder at Inclusiveology

Twenty-eight years of my experience working with kids with autism and related disabilities and their teachers and parents will help you "get in the game"!  Get ready to better understand what's possible to grow your kid as a successful, independent learner.

In this course we will cover...

and... how to shift to a growth, inclusive mindset
and presume competence for your kid!

Children in Classroom

Yes!  Get me in the game!  I want The Parent Playbook!

It's on it's way to you, so check your email!  Woohoo!

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